Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Janet: Winter Pt3

What I used...

- 1 model (gorgeous eyes haha)
- Nikon Body (Dirty sensor)
- 24-70mm (this lens is wicked)
- 85mm (but this lens is the best ever!!!)
- Available light (ambient, room lights and a flash light.... yes a flash light) No studio flash :|
-ISO 800/1600/2000
- f/1.8 & 2.8

The story behind this was to continue my "dark moody" series but found out that i no longer had access to the studio and lights. My model was leaving town so i had to shoot either way and so i played with the lights and saw all the windows at her place and came out with all this. No color corrections where made decided to keep the blue (cool) and yellow (warm) color casts/feel to them. Enjoy

P.S the things i love in photos when done well:
Grain, Harsh Shadows, Black and White, Square Crop list goes on forever

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ana: Winter Pt2

Something dark and sexy is what we brainstormed together and this was the outcome (inspiration from vampires). Did this by using a grid light, striped soft box and a small softbox with a grid. It was great shooting again, since the end of portfolio. Ana wanted to show of her gloves

What i realized from shooting throughout the years is, that shooting to me is a stress reliever, gets me really focused, its like a shot of adrenaline and once i start i find it hard to stop haha... anyways enjoy!

Ashleigh: Winter Pt1

Been doing alot of shooting and editing of photos during this winter break, here is something i have been meaning to post up for a while now. Shot using a beauty dish and a bookend for fill... P.S D3 Sensor dirty as shyt that is all. Be posting up some more stuff of what I do. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Shot this gorgeous gal Taylor (a fellow photographer) for one of my "opens" here are a few different lighting schematics i tried out. I wont be posting up any of my portfolio work... ill be working hard on it, and will be shown when the time is right. Enjoy!

Check out Taylor's work here

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Photographers: Gomes, Val, Meghan

Always fun taking photos of your buds, especially other photographers (it could be awesome experience or overwhelming, depending how you feel about your photography abilities)

Here are a few photos of some shoots I've done in the last couple of months and neglected to post up, enjoy! let me know what you think if i have you on facebook.

A list/rant on whats on my mind....

1) Thank god portfolio is done... enough said (can sleep normally now)Add Image
2) Shooting filum all winter long
3) Have shoots to set up and lighting ideas to follow through
4) Print out photos... like alot and huge!
5) I challenged Jess C, to a nature/still life photography competition, interested on how thats gonna pann out (i suck at that kind of photography, jess is wicked at it, but it will be good for me, used to love that stuff)
6) Update my blog... thats about it, now back to work i go.